"The past and the present are within my field of inquiry." — Sherlock Holmes,
in The Hound of the Baskervilles
For starters here: Site visitors may want to review salaries and benefits for those employed by SRVUSD. See the relevant Transparent California page. The figures shown there are still for calendar 2022. The eventual full-year 2023 numbers will show the full effect of an 8.5% cross-the-board raise, regardless of merit, initiated in October of 2022. And 2024 figures will show an additional 6.0% raise. Each of these had another 1% added as a "one-time" increment.
The result of such largesse, repeated over time, is that as is, SRVUSD salaries and benefits for 2024-2025 are at least $110 Million ahead of 2015 (when SRVUSD last renewed the current parcel tax, with the renewal taking effect for the 2015-2016 school year) adjusted for both inflation and enrollment changes (since 2017-18, an enrollment decline).
Graphically, the rapid acceleration of salary and benefits, far exceeding the combined (compounded) rates of inflation and enrollment change, looks like the picture below. SRVUSD does not need — and does not deserve — a nine-year extension of its parcel tax, which brings in about $6.8 Million per year.
Traditional laborer contracts are considered to involve 250 employment days per year ( = 50 weeks, 5 days per week — but counting holidays and sick days in the total). But school personnel, including SRVUSD's avoid that schedule.
So keep in mind while looking at the Transparent California salary and benefit numbers linked above (and now going significantly higher) that SRVUSD's upper level, central office administrators have contracts which at most involve only 225 employment days per year, including holidays and 15 sick days (which accumulate if unused) — and go down to only 186 employment days annually for teachers.
At the top, now-departed Superintendent Malloy was paid $403,896 in annual salary alone, in his fourth year. New Superintendent Cammack is being paid $395,000 in salary alone, in his first year. For perspective: the Governor of California is paid $234,101 per year.
School-site administrators (assistant principals and principals) have annual contracts ranging from 193 to 218 employment days. Teacher contracts are ordinarily for just 186 employment days per year. The relevant summary table is copied for convenience below.
Meanwhile, site visitors may wish to review SRVUSD's agreement with its San Ramon Valley Education Association (SRVEA, the teacher union).
Outstanding teachers and administrators (those who work successfully, year after year, to inculcate students with academic knowledge and beneficial skills) earn what they're paid, perhaps even more.
But those who instead misuse their positions of trust to indoctrinate boys and girls (young men and young women) with racialist animosities and radical political biases, or who push sex-and-gender confusion and revolution, don't deserve even a fraction of the lucrative compensation packages they receive. But [no] thanks to teacher unions, teacher pay scales have nothing to do with merit. Pay depends only on how many years a given individual has been in place and how many credit hours he or she has amassed.
Lots of highly skilled people who work a regular 250-day employment year would be happy to receive what SRVUSD teachers are paid for an employment year that is only 186 days in length — in other words, 64 days (9 weeks) shorter!
And that's before considering SRVUSD's expansive benefits. Those will soon be enumerated here as well.
The + 15, +30, +45, + 60, +75 column headings are a reference to semester hours of credit over and above the basic bachelor's degree. The credit hours often consist of silly "professional education" courses and Marxist indoctrination — the kind of counterproductive and sometimes subversive material which then appears in SRVUSD's "Equity" programs, force-fed to captive-audience classrooms. The STEPS in this "Step and Column" chart represent the longevity of the teacher, e.g. Year 1, Year 2, etc. And these are school years, not calendar years.
Teacher Salaries (186-Day Employment Year, 9 weeks Shorter Than for Most Labor Personnel):
All of SRVUSD's salary schedules, from superintendent to "miscellaneous" categories are posted and available at this page.
Employee Benefits:
Medical Benefits: Kaiser Individual/Family Plan Plus Dental & Vision Coverage.
Sick Leave Up to 10 Days per year, Accumulated without limit; may be used for child-bonding leave.
Bereavement Leave and Other Personal Necessity Leave: Up to 7 days.
Retirement STRS Pension: as much as 2.4 x years teaching x highest annual salary.
Term Life Insurance up to $100,000.
Disability Benefits.
Union President: full-time release, with the union reimbursing SRVUSD only for temporary substitute pay.
Union Representatives: 45 release days per school year, with same reimbursement policy.