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AB 1955, signed into law on July 15, 2024, dictates that California public schools and school districts "shall not be required to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by state or federal law," and declares (pretends) that this "does not constitute a change in, but is declaratory of, existing law."

SRVUSD will itself likely try to pretend that AB 1955 validates its existing policy of not permitting teachers or administrators to inform parents of a child's seeming "gender transition" at school, no matter how young the child.  Meanwhile, given SRVUSD's deliberate "queering the classroom" programs [including LGBTQ-themed "read alouds" even to the 4 and 5-year-olds in (double meaning) "transition kindergarten"], such unexpected gender alterations become ever more likely.   


In fact, the actual law does NOT forbid responsible staff personnel from communicating such matters to parents.  Such communication would be the traditional expectation under federal law. 

Governor Newsom's communications director Izzy Gardon, clouding the issue, claimed (in Orwellian fashion) that AB1955 "preserves the child-parent relationship."  No, it doesn't; AB 1955 disrupts that relationship, and it usurps parental authority — a behavior in which SRVUSD has been engaged for some time.


In yet another diversion, Gardon added that "California law ensures minors can't legally change their name or gender without parental consent, and parents continue to have guaranteed and full access to their student's educational records, consistend with federal law."   The law involved is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 

But see
SRVUSD's confidential "Gender Support Plan," as supplied by the gender-bender outfit Gender Spectrum.  The answers obtained in student/staff interviews are hidden from parents unless the child (as young as 4 or 5 in transition kindergarten) gives permission for disclosure to parents.  

Liberty Justice Center quickly filed a federal lawsuit against Governor Newsom, Attorney General Bonta, and Education Secretary Thurmond, observing that “Pre-K-12 minor students, most of whom are too young to drive, vote, or provide medical consent for themselves, are also too young to make life-altering decisions about their expressed gender identity without their parents’ knowledge. But that is precisely what AB 1955 enables — with potentially devastating consequences for children too young to fully comprehend them.” 


Our hats are off to the professional and caring SRVUSD staff personnel who do their best to resist SRVUSD insanity in all of its many efforts to indoctrinate the kids entrusted to the District by parents who expect (and who delegate) the schools instead to provide the teaching and learning of knowledge and skills .  

SRVUSD Board Policy  6141.2, in relevant part:   "Staff members shall be highly sensitive to their obligation not to interfere with the religious development of any student in whatever tradition the student embraces."   Some SRVUSD teachers and administrators appear to be violating that obligation, by insisting that captive-audience students see and hear homosexual and transgender-themed picture-story books in read-aloud sessions, conducted in pre-K through 5th grade classrooms.  See below, a behind-scenes look at SRVUSD reality.... 

The summary above is from the November, 2020 program for that month's virtual conference of the "National Council of Teachers of English."  Two individuals from SRVUSD's Country Club Elementary  then Principal Christy Glaser and Instructional Coach Korby Saunders   led a discussion involving "their experiences of queering the classroom."  That perverse misuse of taxpayer-provided resources has now saturated the San Ramon Valley Unified School District.  

Attentive SRVUSD parents have realized that their children are being dragooned into the "LGBTQ+" activist vanguard by the District's radical teachers and administrators, and that the captive-audience brainwashing goes far beyond demands for public announcement of personal pronouns.  It's a determined, comprehensive attack on childhood innocence by "professionals" who ought to know better
but who instead have themselves been captured by a perversely destructive ideology. 

A January 12, 2021 email from
Korby Saunders to other teachers exposes the depth of the problem, including outright rejection by Saunders of parental rights in the education of their children (and the permissible tasks delegated by parents who send their kids to SRVUSD schools), with her strange interpretation of California law and the Federal "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act" (FERPA):  


"Here is some of the most important information for the teacher to know moving forward. 

  • Students have a right to privacy regarding their personal information regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. There is no age limit to these rights so these rights apply to students as young as TK. School employees are mandated to protect this information and cannot share it with the student 's guardians/parents/caregivers without the student's content (CA Constitution & AB537[She evidently means "consent," not "content" here; emphasis added.] 

  • Right to Privacy- student's gender identity and sexual orientation are private, and only that student determines who they'd like to be 'out' to. Disclosing a student's gender identity or sexual orientation to other staff, parents, or students is a FERPA violation."


This page exposes some of the means by which children are being indoctrinated here into "queer theory."  Another page, under development, will provide the research which demonstrates the harm being caused by this demonic campaign.


On February 27, 2021, Country Club instructional coach Korby Saunders (pronouns = they/them) and Quail Run first grade teacher Blaire Wyatt presented their own seminar on "Affirming LGBTQ+ Identities in Elementary School," in a virtual conference for other CTA members.  They spoke about initiating and then running LGBTQ+ clubs ("PRISM Clubs for 4th and 5th graders), with meetings held at lunchtime because that "kind of eliminates a little bit of that parental interaction" that would occur if parents had to drop off kids early or pick them up late were the kids to attend PRISM Club meetings. They were anxious as well to end an initial requirement for parental permission slips.

Below is a video of that portion of the virtual seminar.  The desktop version of this page includes a transcript of the video.

Korby Saunders, SRVUSD Instructional Coach: “So, we still sent out permission slips because at the end of the day in order to get our clubs launched, the District office was like, you know what, you need to have permission slips.  We’re like OK, cause what we want to do is get the club up and running.  The second thing is, we’ll go back and see if we can revisit that permission slip issue because again, middle schools and high schools don’t need to have it, and if / when we do come back to campus for in-person instruction, we’ll probably have the clubs at lunch.  We’re not likely to have them before or after school, and so maybe we can get around that.


Blaire Wyatt, SRVUSD First Grade Teacher, Quail Run Elementary School: “Yes, that lunchtime is kind of that sweet spot where the kids don’t need to come early or stay late and it kind of eliminates a little bit of that parent interaction if there are kids who would like to attend, but maybe their parents are unaware that they’re interested in participating or are unaware that they’re out at school.  So, if we can get it to happen at lunch, that seems like a really good structure to, you know, protect the kids' identities and protect and allow them to attend.”



After exposure of the secretive PRISM Clubs, OPT-OUT parental permission slips were then initiated, requiring parents  first to realize that such clubs exist and then to exclude their kids from them.  For children, the default should obviously be parental OPT-IN forms.  But this is a sick school district, so teachers' insistence on pronoun activism hasn't satisfied them.


Country Club Elementary, home school for Teacher on Special Assignment / Instructional Coach Korby Saunders  — and where Christy Glaser was principal — has its own PRISM Club.  The school's list of clubs makes no mention of it, however.  Instead, one has to open the Lunchtime Activities link, then scroll down to "Prism (4th/5th)," and somehow know what that involves.  What if a new child is enrolled, and parents are not clued in as yet to SRVUSD perversity?

SRVUSD's "LGBTQ+" webpage says that about half of the District's 22 elementary schools already have PRISM Clubs.  District administrators and others have said that those schools make it easy for parents to know about those Clubs.  But an early October 2022 inspection of the schools' individual websites shows only 3 of them mentioning the PRISM Clubs -- and of those, only one explains what the PRISM club is about.

Notice:  the discussion of ending a permission-slip requirement and dodging "parental interaction" occurred during display of a slide which encouraged "Proactively thinking about potential concerns and pushback from parents, caregivers, and community members."  This, despite routine claims by District administrators that parents are their "partners."  

Of related interest: the parental permission-slip requirement for 4th and 5th grader participation in these "LGBTQ+" PRISM clubs was ended — at least until the last 30 seconds of the video above appeared on a Fox News segment in December 2021, and subsequent discussion ensued at SRVUSD Board meetings.  


John Baldwin Elementary is one of the SRVUSD schools which openly list "PRISM" at their websites as one of the Clubs which students can join.  John Baldwin doesn't show club activities, though.  We have heard about in-school "PRISM Club" recruiting videos, however, designed to attract new members.  John Baldwin recorded one of those, above, featuring teachers Jennifer Donnelly and Denise Vargas-Vila. Note: sound synchronization in this video is faulty.


Country Club Elementary, where activist Christy Glaser was principal and Korby Saunders has been an instructional coach, must be among the worst of SRVUSD's "LGBTQ+" gender-bender elementary schools,  Glaser conducted the inappropriate pre-K through 5 picture-book read-alouds herself, attempting to hide the moments of such intrusions from parents and to prevent parental removal of kids from those sessions.  

On April 14, 2023 (GLSEN "Day of Silence" in SRVUSD middle schools and high schools) Country Club had signs created by 4th and 5th grade PRISM Club members to celebrate "PRIDE Day."
  Two of those are directly below.
Notice also the categories exhibited to any child at the school who can read:  lesbian, pansexual, bisexual, non-binary.


Meanwhile, we've also received an image of another PRISM Club activity, in which a 4th or 5th grade child, attempting self-identification as a "pansexual" ("pansexaut"), was evidently induced (in a supposedly "student-led" PRISM Club meeting to write a note to his or her teacher, requesting display of the so-called "Progress Flag" in the child's classroom.  See below the "Pride Day" posters.  


The note, with needed redactions, is also pictured below, along with a picture of the "Progress Flag" (wherein the brown and black stripes represent "marginalized people of color," while the white, pink, and blue segments represent "trans" and "non-binary" persons).  To us, these exercises represent serious child abuse.

The "Progress Flag"


Below is a separate, 40-second segment of the 02-27-21 video presentation.  Here, Korby Saunders shows her "Padlet" list of homosexual and transgender-themed read-aloud picture story books for use in PRISM Club functions and in classrooms. That book list was apparently also featured when Saunders and then Country Club Principal Christy Glaser conducted their "queering the classroom" discussion for NCTE (as mentioned at top of this page). It has also been recommended to other SRVUSD teachers.

Notice the categories of books which SRVUSD activists consider to be appropriate even for SRVUSD's youngest children (4 and 5-year olds, through 11-year-olds), in TK-5 elementary schools: "Books About Gender"; "LGBTQ+ Main Characters"; "Trans Representation"; "Challenging Gender Stereotypes." 

This is an atrocity; it smells like the grooming of young children.  5-year-olds (kindergarteners) are just learning to tie their shoes.   11-year olds (especially boys of that age) are generally still in their latency period, wherein cognitive learning is at its most rapid pace, and pushing interest in sexual and gender matters is at best an unwise distraction.

When one studies child development in a legitimate "Ed Psych 101" course, he/she learns upfront that children do not think like adults.   The problem is adults who think like children, i.e., who believe that sexualizing them at young ages is somehow appropriate.  It's not.  And so far as  we know, there is no parental permission sought for classroom reading of these books. 

Saunders' Padlet books and/or those adopted officially by the SRVUSD Board  drive a general desensitizing of young children. The Neither book’s main character, for example, is neither a blue rabbit nor a yellow bird but a green in-between. Korby Saunders considers it a "book about gender." She likewise recommends another book entitled Red, A Crayon’s Story, to provide what she calls “Transgender Representation.”  It’s about a blue crayon with a red label. 

These and other books drive SRVUSD’s not-so-subtle introduction to the District's radical gender-bender activists call “non-binary” or “gender fluid” identities. 

The books go on from there to celebrating same-sex marriage, then to cross-dressing, thence to explicit transgenderism and homosexual activism. 

At the April 19, 2022 SRVUSD Board meeting, Supt. Malloy tried to justify the use of such books in TK-5 classrooms by reading from the "FAIR Act":  In relevant part, here is what he reported:


"When adopting instructional materials for use in the schools, governing boards shall include only instructional materials which, in their determination, accurately portray the cultural and racial diversity of our society, including:  ...the role and contributions of... lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans... to the total development of California and the United States."  

He went on to say “we will continue to engage our parents so that they understand what it is that we are doing, how it is we’re doing it, and why.  And we need our parents to be partners with us in this.  We’ve always said that.  But I need to be very clear that this is an expectation.  And it’s one that as we sometimes hear shouldn’t be done.  It actually must be done.”

But at that point, the books had NOT been adopted.  And the mostly fictional books in question have nothing to do with "the total development of California and the United States."  Malloy was asked to explain his claims.  He converted that request to a "Public Records Act" request, then never responded. 

He and SRVUSD at large prove repeatedly that they do NOT genuinely regard parents are their "partners."

Prince and Knight, as you might guess by now, is about the romantic attachment of the book's two main characters as they cooperate to slay a dragon.  "And on the two men's wedding day, the air filled with cheer and laughter, for the prince and his shining knight would live happily ever after."  So it's "same-sex marriage," being normalized for kindergarteners.

Julian is a Mermaid is a story about a young cross-dresser.  His grandmother helps him dress as a flamboyant female — in mermaid costume.

Jacob’s New Dress
is another story about a “gender-creative little boy, teaching us how to move beyond two boxes, boy or girl.”  So says Diane Ehrensaft, a “Gender Spectrum” activist and UCSF promoter of "gender-transition affirmation" who describes her own child as "gender-creative."

I Am Jazz glorifies Jazz Jennings, a male who says he’s female.  In real life, Jennings has had 4 problematic genital-alteration surgeries so far.  Unsurprisingly, the book’s author helps schools conduct “LGBTQ” programs.

The Saunders Padlet list recommends Pride, the Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag.  That book is also among official SRVUSD adoptions for TK-5 use. It  lionizes Harvey Milk as a homosexual hero.  In fact, he was a pederast and statutory rapist.  As Milk’s friend and biographer Randy Shilts (known for And the Band Played On) reported in The Mayor of Castro Street, Milk sodomized a 16-year-old addict runaway, Jack McKinley.  And McKinley wasn’t the only one.  As Shilts observed,  "Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance-abuse problems."



In January, 2018, the Rancho  Romero Elementary PTA's "Inclusion and Diversity Committee" and its "Gender Spectrum Awareness" subcommittee were permitted to post  their own display on the school's outdoor bulleting board, on the outside wall of the school library a display which targeted the school's Transition Kindergarted through 5th Grade students with a promotion of transgenderism.  Below is a picture of that display, now annotated to explain the display's components. 

After a concerned mother's call to a radio talk show exposed the display and its inappropriateness for 4 through 11-year-olds, it quickly came down.  But a book display just inside the library door included a number of homosexual and transgender-themed books, recommending them to very young readers.  

Once again, a majority of parents and their family values were ignored by SRVUSD personnel.

Some bulletin-board contents came directly from the book Who Are You?  The author was a member of the "Gender Spectrum community," and her book reveals some of the psychotic madness at work therein.

It’s a boy!  It’s a girl!  These days, unless both joyful exclamations denote the same baby — while also allowing for other categories — they’re merely premature “guesses.”

So says Brook Pessin-Whedbee, anyway, a self-described “active member of the Gender Spectrum Community.” She’s the author of Who Are You?, publisher-recommended to help “anyone ages 3+ understand and celebrate gender diversity.”


“…For some people, the grown-ups guessed right about their body and their gender.  This is called cisgender — when someone’s identity matches their sex assigned at birth.   And for some people, there are more than just two choices.  These are just a few words people use:  trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, neutrois, bigender, third gender, two-spirit….  And there are even more words people are using to describe their experience.  This is called the gender spectrum.”   


Confusing and indoctrinating young children with such gender-bender jargon? Among rational grownups, this is called insanity.

Again:  NO parental permission is apparently equired for such cynical intrusions, even in kindergarten classes. 

Instead, Superintendent Malloy has attempted falsely (April 19 SRVUSD Board meeting) to justify homosexualized and transgenderized classroom activism, including the pernicious read-aloud picture-book propaganda above, by saying that under Ed Code Section 60040, “Our educators MUST do this….  It is a REQUIREMENT…. It actually MUST be done.”  

Again, that’s false.  Ed Code 60040 requires “portrayal of the societal role and contributions of various groups, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans “to the total development of California and the United States.”  Instead, nearly all the books involved are pure fiction, with homosexual and transgender themes.  And uniformly, the themes involved are developmentally inappropriate for the very young children who are being targeted by them.

One wants to ask of SRVUSD activists, echoing the rescuers in Lord of the Flies:  Are there any adults — any grownups with yo?"



The SRVUSD Board of Education and central-office administrators have belied their claim to consider parents as "partners," and allowed activist school-site administrators and teachers and outside third parties to push the sexualizing and transgenderizing of the children in their charge.  For additional evidence of that problem, see SRVUSD's "LGBTQ+" page.


There, after references for visitors to a series of activist organizations and websites as "Family Resources for Gender Inclusivity," you'll find a brief description of the District's "Gender Support Plan" scheme.   Separate school-site designees for managing "gender support" include no psychiatrists, and only 2 psychologists in other words,  mostly a collection of unlicensed, amateur psychotherapists authorized by SRVUSD to counsel children in supposedly changing their genders.

Parents are consulted in creating these plans only with the child's permission.  And the assessment of asserted need for "gender support" is a form provided by Gender Spectrum, an activist outfit which enthusiastically supports "gender-identity affirmation."  That can include "social transition" (including name and pronoun changes), hormonal transition (with puberty-blocking drugs) and surgical transition (mutilation of healthy body parts) to reinforce "gender-identity" psychoses.

What is clear is that SRVUSD is allowing
 in many ways, encouraging  its sex and gender activists to confuse even its youngest children.  Many parents (supposedly, SRVUSD "partners," says the District) have been dismayed and angered
to discover that children's teachers have been requiring kids to specify their preferred pronouns, for the whole classroom, then worsening things further with homosexual and transgender-themed read-aloud picture books (as detailed above). 

Most children enter classrooms feeling that in dress and mannerisms, their preferred pronouns are perfectly obvious; so they can be confused and embarrassed at having to specify them. 


Kids are fluidly plastic in their perceptions of self, and they are generally insecure. They go through natural phases wherein boys prefer the company of other boys and girls the company of other girls.  If they begin to hear hints or even assertions from irresponsible adults that such associations may indicate a tendency toward transgenderism, the kids may believe it. Instead, for most kids, there comes a time when opposite-sex attraction becomes a determinative behavioral impulse. 

A small percentage of children experience gender dysphoria, or discomfort with their physically apparent and even chromosomally determined sex, and seem to be manifesting a transgender inclination or some so-called non-binary identity.   But of even of that small percentage, approximately 70-80% eventually desist, or turn away, from the psychosis of transgenderism, so long as that condition is not treated with "gender-affirming care"
— i.e., not socially affirmed, not hormonally reinforced with dangerous puberty-blocking drugs, and not mutilated surgically. 


So the ideologies and politics of the District’s gender activists, whether subtle or pushed overtly by radical gender benders, do not belong in classrooms. If a stranger in a park came up to these young children and advocated what they're hearing and seeing from some teachers, it would be a case of "stranger-danger" grooming and potential arrest.




Meanwhile, SRVUSD also routinely indulges or utilizes other third-party outfits, from the teacher union’s LGBTQ caucus to the grossly INtolerant outfit known as “Teaching Tolerance,” a subset of the defamation machine known as the Southern Poverty Law Center.   SPLC’s founder, Morris Dees, was fired in 2019, due to his own outfit's misogyny and racism becoming all too public, not to mention the organization’s $162 million stash held in offshore accounts.

A routinely utilized outside party with special access to SRVUSD staff development days and other training sessions is PFLAG, the acronym for "Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays."  The acronym has become the organization's official title.  An example of PFLAG's training for teachers is its video, "Setting Up a Gender Inclusive Classroom." 

Self-reporting by teenagers of psychological states is notoriously unreliable, but two local PFLAG activist trainers rely on such reports from the "LGBTQ" managed Trevor Project to justify telling teachers who are "nervous about not understanding gender outside the binary" to stop saying "boys and girls," or ladies and gentlemen," or "moms and dads," or even "brother and sister." 

The message is to avoid any indication, including pronouns, of actual biological sex.  So teachers are to utilize whatever names and pronouns that kids tell them to use, and to hide such preferences from parents if children are not "out" at home. 

And parents are to become simply "caregivers." 
The two also recommend consulting six other activist outfits (Gender Spectrum, "Welcoming Schools" (a project of the "Human Rights Campaign"), SPLC's "Teaching Tolerance," "Teaching Outside the Binary," the notorious group GLSEN, and "Gender-Inclusive Biology  all for "even more great information on creating an inclusive classroom."  

So that teachers can be sure they're allowing children to choose their own "identities," the PFLAG activists advise "asking for correct pronouns and affirming names, on a get-to-know-you sheet on the first day of school."   Their recommended form comes from "Teaching Outside the Binary."  No mention of "parents"  — only "caregivers."


In 2013, San Francisco homosexual activist and California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano introduced AB 1266, which required that students "be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil's records."  

That legislation passed readily in the Democrat-controlled California legislature, with "aye" votes that included local legislators (then State Senator, now Congressman) Mark DeSaulnier and then-Assemblywoman (and former SRVUSD School Board member) Joan Buchanan.  So today, a high school boy (for example) has only to declare that he's now a girl, and he may enter a girl's restroom or locker room, and can also participate as a member of a girls' athletic team.  

The results of such insanity include such outrages as the recent report of a biological male wearing sunglasses entering a girls' locker room at San Ramon Valley High in downtown Danville.  Were school districts statewide to stand up to and openly condemn such bullying by perverse "LGBTQ" politicians, their go-along / get-along allies, and cynical "trans" activists, such assaults on the moral order would cease. 

Unfortunately, SRVUSD Superintendent John Malloy, 
who was hired here just four months after he wrote about continuing to "push the envelope" on LGBTQ issues in the Toronto schools he had managed, continued that campaign here.

Other school boards and school administrators 
especially in California — tend likewise to follow the lead of the two large U.S. teacher unions, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers (AFL-CIO), and the Obama and Biden Administrations' activist-driven misinterpretation of Title IX.  That federal legislation was intended to protect the interests of actual women and girls, not males pretending to be females.  

Today, instead, "LGBTQ" activists (and remarkably silent "feminist" outfits) betray the interests of genuine women and girls.  The results go way beyond embarrassment and violations of privacy, ranging now from rapes to athletic injuries
 examples of which will be included in an upcoming new webpage related to this one. 


“Caitlyn" (Bruce) Jenner illustrates the absurdity of allowing biological males who say they're females to compete in girls' and women's athletic events.  Though Jenner was the 1976 Summer Olympics decathlon gold medalist with a record point total, none of his 10-event individual performances would have come close to medaling (placing top 3) in corresponding individual men's events.

But at least 4 of Jenner's 10 performances (all in just two physically draining days) would have taken individual gold in women's events.  Had women's pole vault been contested in the 1976 Games, Jenner's vaulting would have won that competition also.

had Jenner used lower-weight women's equipment in the shot put, discus, and javelin throws and shorter distance and lower bars for women's sprint hurdles he would likely have won those individual women's competitions as well.Jenner's time in the 400-meter race, slower by 2.6 seconds than the individual 400-meter men's 1976 bronze medalist, would still be a women's world record today.  [A contrast (as of 2017) of women's performance in track and field vs. men and under-18 boys is posted in a Duke Law analysis.]

In 2018-19, male college sophomore, 6 ft. 4 in. swimmer “Lia" (Will) Thomas's 500 yd freestyle ranked 65th among NCAA men.  But that left him “miserable," Thomas reported in May on “Good Morning America." So he decided he'd “transition." Having thereby “won" the Division 1 NCAA Women's 500 free in March, “the biggest change" is that he's now “happy," declared still-baritone Thomas.  What about the actual women whose finishes were all dropped a spot by Thomas, despite their patient years of tough training?   Title IX compromise/scholarship-confusion is itself just another collateral-damage sacrifice to the synthetic happiness of athletic pretenders.

A June, 2023 Gallup Poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose permitting biological boys and men to participate in girls' and women's events -- and also shows that a majority opposes [alleged] "changes" in gender [gender bending].


In Connecticut:  Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, Chelsea Mitchell, and Ashley Nicoletti were four girls whose top and high-level state rankings were displaced by biological males competing as “females.” Their attorneys assert violations of Title IX, whose “whole purpose was to ensure that girls had equal athletic opportunities to compete – and win – in girls’ sports events.”

“Two males,” they continue, “were permitted to compete in girls’ athletic competitions beginning in the 2017 track season.  Between them, they took 15 women’s state championship titles (titles held in 2016 by 9 different Connecticut girls) and more than 85 opportunities to participate in higher level competitions from female track athletes in the 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons alone.”  The case was dismissed in September because the parties involved had graduated from high school.  It is now on appeal, because the issues remain contested for good reason.

The usual suspects seek to perpetuate the ability of boys and men who claim they're girls and women to participate in female athletic competitions, including the ACLU, the Trevor Project, the politically compromised American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the Southern Poverty Law Center (which SRVUSD relies upon for some curricular materials, in SPLC's "Teaching Tolerance" identity), et al.  


And increasingly, the ABSURDITY of males competing in female sports (along with girls' locker-room discomfort) has become the DANGER of surrendering to “transgender” activist demands.  In North Carolina, as one example, a self-promotional recruiting video reportedly assembled by a Highlands School biological male playing girls’ volleyball shows that male spiking the ball (reportedly at over 70 mph), knocking unconscious an opposing player hit in the forehead.

The injured player reportedly sustained a concussion and vision problems, and her school district will now forfeit any future matches against Highlands as a matter of safety.

Long and short, many of America's state legislatures, along with go-along / get along schools and school districts are aiding and abetting a "Transgender War on Women."   The psychosis (loss of contact with reality) of transgenderism is now resulting not "just" in embarrassment, not "just" in grossly unfair sports competition, but in assaults and in physical harm to girls and women.  The most radical "feminist" organizations are either silent or actually supportive of "transgender" intrusions into the private domains of girls and women.


(From an article concerning the American Left's power-mad "Green Project," "Quota Project," and "Androgyny Project")

"The Androgyny Project holds that gender identity is independent of biological sex and purely subjective. If a middle-aged man claims that he is a woman, then progressives favor requiring local government to retroactively falsify his birth certificate to show that he was 'really' born female and 'misassigned at birth.'

"Far more comprehensive than 'trans rights, ''which affect fewer than 1% of the population, the Androgyny Project seeks to redefine all male and female human beings as generic, androgynous humanoids whose sex is a matter of subjective self-definition rather than objective reality.

"The bizarre theory that sex is entirely a social construction has led much of the trans-Atlantic establishment to attempt to impose speech codes on society. Instead of 'mothers,' the androgynists insist that we say 'birthing people.' A 'woman' becomes a 'person with a cervix.' It is easy to get confused by the weird jargon. During the 2020 presidential primaries, Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro declared that every 'trans female'—that is, a biological male incapable of pregnancy and childbirth—should have access to abortion, when he meant to say every 'trans male' (that is, female).


"...The Androgyny Project, for its part, is bound to crash against reality in the form of human biology. I predict that in a generation the 'progressive' policy of so-called 'gender-affirming health care' will be viewed in hindsight the way the prescription of lobotomies and chemical castration as cures for homosexuality in the 1950s is viewed today."

srvEXPOSITOR Editor comment:  what is called "the Androgyny Project" here effectiv
ely describes one of the latest insanities to drive SRVUSD's stupid, ignorant, and evil decisions.

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